Laura Gonzalez and the Hotel Saint James Paris
We had the pleasure of collaborating with Laura Gonzalez and her team on the iconic parisian restaurant La Pérouse and the Relais Christine Hotel in Paris, in previous projects.
And here again, our most recent collaboration which intailed the total refurbishment of the Hotel Saint-James in the XVIth arrondissement.

« Le Saint james semble suspendu dans le temps, mais jamais dans le passé. Nous avons cherché à retranscrire les différentes époques qui incarnent le style parisien, du XIXe avec des chinoiseries, des moulures, au néoclassique et à l’Art déco »
Laura Gonzalez pour AD France
“The Saint James seems suspended in time, but never in the past. We sought to transcribe the different eras that embody the Parisian style, from the 19th century with chinoiseries, moldings, to the neoclassical and to Art Deco.”
Laura Gonzalez for AD France
Our Wisteria in Landscape, a Japanese subject inspired from the Edo Period, was used in half the rooms and suites.
Seen here in “Pop” color option; available in our standard collection.

Our White Blossom, also a Japanese decor inspired by Edo Period painting, was used in the other half of the rooms and suites.
Seen here, White Blossom against a lovely brown crackled background, available in our standard collection.
Kubilai’s tent, and its trompe-l’oeil ceiling, both in our Beige color option, in the small lounge off the entrance of the Hotel.